Newly Accredited Labs
Congratulations to Our Newly Accredited Labs!
Laboratories that gained accreditation in February:
- LAP-100470 - AMA Analytical Services, Inc. - IHLAP, ELLAP, EMLAP
- LAP-100595 - North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health - ELLAP
- LAP-100921 - ALS Laboratory Group, Environmental Division, (Cincinnati) ALS Group USA, Corp - IHLAP, ELLAP
- LAP-100944 - Marion County Public Health Department - Public Health Lab - ELLAP, FoodLAP
- LAP-101858 - Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC - EMLAP
- LAP-102266 - Micro-Analytics, Inc. - IHLAP
- LAP-102856 - Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC – Burlingame - IHLAP, EMLAP
- LAP-102977 - Pace Analytical Services, LLC – Dulles - EMLAP
- LAP-173068 - Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC - Glendale, CA - EMLAP