Newly Accredited Labs
Congratulations to Our Newly Accredited Labs!
Laboratories that gained accreditation in December:
- LAP-100118 - State of Connecticut Dept. of Public Health , Dr. Katherine A. Kelley State Public Health Laboratory - ELLAP
- LAP-101757 - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ASI Analytical Laboratory - IHLAP, ELLAP
- LAP-102581 - EMSL Analytical, Inc. - Long Island City - IHLAP, ELLAP, EMLAP
- LAP-157714 - Eurofins Built Environment Testing Central- Pasadena, TX Eurofins Built Environment Testing Central, LLC. - IHLAP, ELLAP, EMLAP
- LAP-179623 - Eurofins Built Environment Testing East- Chantilly, VA Eurofins Built Environment Testing East, LLC - EMLAP
- LAP-192283 - EMSL Analytical, Inc. - Pineville, NC - IHLAP, ELLAP, EMLAP
- LAP-220804 - Environmental Analysis Associates, Inc. - EMLAP
- LAP-221504 - Eurofins Built Environment Testing East- Atlanta, GA Eurofins Built Environment Testing East, LLC - EMLAP
- LAP-232285 - Hyperion Biotechnology, Inc. - EMLAP
- LAP-273635 - ACM Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc. - EMLAP